Sunday, 29 April 2012

Don't Go in the Woods

Don't Go inthe Woods (James Bryan - 1981)

By chance I came stumbled upon a list ranking the 20 worst slashers ever. I realized that I had many of them in my collection already, and made an effort to complete that list. Acquiring Don't Go in the Woods was a part of that effort.

The film features: Campers, woods, killings and a villain. So far so good, but what’s missing is a plot. There is no effort to build up any suspense or drama, things just happen. There are killings and there are made some effort to run away. That’s it. Oh, yea: The evildoer is a caveman! No explanation for that whatsoever.  

On the plus side we really get the feeling of being in a wood. In an proper film we would have a foreground and a background and the characters framed into a composition. Her we just dive into the vegetation and in the long run it provides a feeling of Jungian disorientation and unease.

Watched on the 25th Anniversary Edition from Code Red. Sharp picture, but presented in Full Frame.


  1. I have a soft spot for this no-nonse/nonsense film. It's minimalist cinema - a totally bare-bones slasher film. There's a good interview with director James Bryan in the NIGHTMARE USA book.

    1. For me the whole experience was a tad too monotonous, but I see your point. The repetitiveness and blatant lack off reason gives this an artistic dimension I didn’t catch at the initial viewing.
